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What will happen with a poorly finished UV oiled floor over time and what to look out for.

How to spot a poorly produced UV oil finished floor.
How to spot a poor UV oiled finish.

A poorly finished UV oil floor can undergo significant deterioration over time, leading to various issues such as grain dirt, blackening, wood dryness, and flakiness. Let's delve into each of these aspects and understand the likely outcomes:

  1. Grain dirt and blackening: If the UV oil finish is poorly applied or inadequate, it may not seal the wood properly. As a result, dirt, dust, and other contaminants can penetrate the wood's grain, causing discoloration and darkening over time. This will give the floor a dirty appearance and can be particularly noticeable in high-traffic areas or places with poor cleaning and maintenance practices.

  2. Wood dryness and flakiness: UV oil finishes are designed to protect and enhance the natural beauty of wood by penetrating its pores and providing a durable protective layer. When poorly applied, the oil may not effectively penetrate the wood or might not form a continuous and strong protective barrier. This can lead to issues with moisture regulation, causing the wood to dry out excessively and become brittle over time. The flakiness occurs when the finish begins to degrade and peel off in patches, leaving the wood vulnerable to further damage and making the floor look unsightly.

Examples of likely outcomes:

  • Fading and discoloration: The floor's color might fade unevenly due to exposure to sunlight and wear, resulting in an inconsistent appearance.

  • Stains and water damage: Without proper sealing, spills and water accidents can lead to staining and damage the wood fibers.

  • Scratches and scuff marks: The lack of a robust finish can make the wood susceptible to scratches and scuff marks from regular foot traffic, furniture movement, and other activities.

  • Cracks and splits: As the wood dries out and loses its flexibility, it becomes more prone to cracking and splitting, especially in dry environments or with drastic humidity fluctuations.

  • Lack of durability: A poorly finished UV oil floor will lack durability and won't be able to withstand the wear and tear of daily use. This can result in the need for premature refinishing or replacement.

How to spot a poorly finished UV oil floor before purchase:

  1. Visual inspection: Look closely at the floor's surface and check for any signs of uneven or patchy finish, dirt trapped in the grain, or black discoloration.

  2. Touch and feel: Run your hand over the floor to assess its texture. A poorly finished floor may feel rough or exhibit flaky areas.

  3. Check for stains and scratches: Look for any visible stains or scratches, which can indicate inadequate protection and susceptibility to damage.

  4. Ask questions: If possible, ask the seller or previous owner about the history of the floor, the type of finish used, and any maintenance performed.

  5. Consider age and maintenance: If the floor is relatively new but already shows signs of deterioration, it may indicate a subpar finish. Similarly, if the floor hasn't been well-maintained, it might have worsened the condition of the finish.

  6. Seek professional opinion: If you're unsure about the floor's condition, consider hiring a professional inspector or wood flooring expert to assess its quality.

In summary, a poorly finished UV oil floor can exhibit various issues over time, including grain dirt, blackening, wood dryness, and flakiness. To spot such issues before making a purchase, conduct a thorough visual inspection, assess the floor's condition and history, and consider seeking professional advice when in doubt. It's essential to invest in a well-finished and properly maintained wood floor to ensure its longevity and aesthetic appeal.

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